DCD Event October 2021
At this event, we featured Andreu Isal from Andorra Telecom, who explained the journey from identifying the needs in critical infrastructure management.
Data Center Automation
We will show you a different perspective on how to manage Critical Infrastructures and achieve greater profitability, efficiency, and sustainability in Data Centers.
Investment in Data Center Automation
What do we show you in this video? How to approach the implementation of comprehensive management tools in data centers. What phases most data centers are in and where they aim to be.
Climate Visibility in the Data Center
We discuss five key challenges in climate visibility and management:Current thermal load situation.High-density rack designs and their impact on climate.Dynamic heat behavior.
Correct Definition of Thresholds and Alarms in the Data Center
Almost all data centers have control and alarm management systems for their infrastructure, but not all use them with guarantees of efficiency and profitability for their business.