Are you one of those who think like a BCO?

 How's your day going? How are things? These questions that we ask certain people in our work environment are often answered with neutral tones, with a simple "everything's fine, as usual," and to change the subject, they end with "And you?"  

Other times we may encounter more negative or pessimistic tones like, for example, "Well, it could be better if... lately, things haven't been going as I'd like... what I do seems useless.

It's perhaps less common to find much more positive responses like, "Great!! I'm super happy with... I've had a streak of everything going smoothly" (these responses, even a high percentage of them, are often not very true at their core, right?

If we analyze these situations a bit, we realize they are closely related to the changes that occur in our day-to-day lives.

When we talk about changes in companies, we realize that they are becoming greater, given the high level of competitiveness and the management models that many of them use.

Times are changing; gone are the days of 20-30 or 40 years working for the same company, obeying orders without thinking... but still keeping a job as some people thought.

However, new models, combined with society itself, are causing many workers to experience emotional health problems. They are unable to cope with so much stress, and the leaders don't know how to convey calm and manage the "chaos" because they remain anchored in their beliefs and perceptions. What's worse is that, in many cases, they prioritize their ego above all.

Unfortunately, problems in companies are still being tackled with outdated methods to address current situations, which only leads to more frustration and inefficiency.

As I mentioned, the rules have changed, and it's challenging to face them based on experiences from years ago..

We are no longer in the Industrial Revolution when the most important thing was to produce and produce to provide products to consumers who demanded little. Any new product was fantastic!! It was mass production!

Given the circumstances of this budding Industrial Revolution, Taylor promoted the organization of work for more efficient production, bringing specialization of workers, cooperation, individual performance-based compensation, and, above all, the responsibility and specialization of managers in job planning to the supply chain.

We come from organizations where some people give orders, and others obey them, based on removable departmental zones where control and command were easier. Employees only had to carry out the received orders.

All these concepts and theories of Taylor worked well for those times, but looking back, they had a major problem to solve, which was the evolution of the system itself. It directly influenced the managers because they started to have problems dealing with new, unknown situations at the time, like strikes, competition, personal development, and, above all, their resistance to change and not knowing how to generate more business and money for themselves.

Resistance to change, as we can see, goes back a long way. People find it challenging to adapt; we fear the unknown, and we are naturally insecure, but this is something that can be molded and worked on. However, time is running out, and you can't afford to stay behind.

We are moving from Taylor's "Doing" theories (which, unfortunately, still exist) to the world of "Being," where everyone needs to retrain themselves as we find ourselves in unstable and unpredictable business models. Here, the skills of all individuals become highly valuable, and emotional management plays a crucial role.

Today, we are taking positive steps forward, and with technology, we can better understand what is happening in the company. If we know and can measure, we can probably prevent and resolve issues. This is the current mindset. In other words, we add technical data to all our training and beliefs. Unfortunately, at a general level, decisions are still made based on individual beliefs and perceptions. This will lead many companies to closure, often without even knowing the real reason for their closure.

Today, companies need to be led by new competencies related to neuromanagement. The human brain has a direct relationship with people's behaviors, and that's where efforts for decision-making should be focused, both for companies and consumers themselves.

Nowadays, we need leaders who can make it possible for our response to questions like "How's your day going? How are things?" to be entirely emotional and positive. Our face should reflect our inner reality. Going to work should be as emotionally positive as the time we spend on our personal lives.

To face the new business models, old ways of approaching tasks such as planning, organizing, directing, leading, and controlling are becoming obsolete.

We need to delve into the realm of energy and develop internal skills beyond specific knowledge in certain subjects. The concept of "you'll earn your bread with the sweat of your brow" will no longer apply, no matter how good a face you put on it.

New variables must be introduced into the equation to understand the business and its future sustainability. According to studies conducted by leading neuroscientists, here are some of the variables to introduce into companies that will contribute to the sustainability and well-being of the company and all its members. .

Broadening perspectives: Over 80% of our perception of things is based on our beliefs and prejudices. It is necessary to broaden our perspectives and be aware of how we perceive reality. We need to train ourselves and open up to the world to understand how others think, as we've all had a past that has generated beliefs and perceptions, but we must also be aware that we will have a future that will be somewhat conditioned by the decisions that company leaders may make.

Paradoxical awareness: This means confronting and understanding other thought models that are entirely different from how we see reality. We need to think outside our logic and everything that has always been accepted as valid for us. If we don't do this, the company's problems will always have the same solutions, and that's precisely what we don't want.

Maintaining high levels of energy: Science tells us that the human heart is the primary source of energy, emitting the strongest electromagnetic signal in the human body. It has a direct relationship with thoughts. If these emotions are positive, the waves are more pronounced, making us feel better. In case of negative emotions, there is an energy loss leading to low self-esteem. In summary, having more pronounced energy will make it easier to face day-to-day problems.

Intuitive knowledge: Nowadays, we are surrounded by an abundance of information, making it challenging to make decisions. There's often not enough time to analyze situations as before, where you'd analyze, process, evaluate, and make a decision. We must focus on the available information at that moment, relying on our inner self, in other words, intuition. We can't waste time gathering so much information. Learning to trust our inner self will make us more efficient in new models.

Integral sensory development: Using all possible senses, not just sight, for decision-making is important because vision alone can sometimes deceive us as we only know the current frame.

Impeccability is one of the most important premises when making decisions because it doesn't just rely on rational information. It also includes and integrates emotional, intuitive, and sensory energy. Every decision made doesn't only have an impact on future decisions but also affects the decisions of other people. In essence, it's all about interconnection, and everyone's input should be considered. In short, it's about using the "being" within our consciousness.

As we can see, models are changing, and now more than ever, we don't need as many CEOs (if they only use the rational part) in companies. Managing the "chaos" goes beyond having extensive knowledge of business, investments, or numbers in general. Chaos is here to stay for a long time. Everything changes at a very rapid pace, uncertainty is high, we know what's happening today but not tomorrow, and people are tired of working, only to feel the next day that their efforts have been in vain.

Many people today think they manage with participatory and open foundations, but deep down, we know that their true goal is hidden, and they only seek to appease personal egos and push their projects at any cost. These covert models and the so-called "modernized Taylorism" are responsible for a large number of people taking antidepressants because they don't know how to escape the web of these covert models.

For these and many more reasons that can't be discussed in such a short reading, now more than ever, companies need BCOs (Brain Chief Officers) who, apart from having the technical knowledge needed, are capable of managing all the "chaos" to move companies forward. BCOs who can balance the personal and professional lives of all parties, people who know how to manage their emotions and those of their team, in short, understand the beliefs of their environment and effectively manage change.

In conclusion, it's time to consider other dimensions and confront the "chaos." Imposing ideas from personal beliefs or rational knowledge is a mistake with a high cost for the future of current companies.

                                                                             Let It work for you

Like everything else... there's always a first time." Technology adoption curve