Agenda 2030. Sustainable Commitment
Goal No. 7: Affordable and Clean Energy

La Agenda 2030 was launched in 2015 and includes 193 UN member states with the ambitious goal of achieving prosperity that respects the planet and its inhabitants. This agenda encompasses 17 Sustainable Development Goals, but today we only want to provide a brief overview of Goal No. 7.

 Ensure access to affordable, reliable, sustainable, and modern energy.

Technology advances faster than society and governments. Renewable energy solutions are becoming more accessible to everyone. We could say that they are cheaper, more reliable, and efficient with each passing day.

Relying on fossil fuels is unsustainable and harmful to the planet, so it is important to definitively make the switch to renewable energy sources and address one of the greatest threats to our survival in the future.

This goal is essential, just like the other 16 Sustainable Development Goals needed to transform the planet for the benefit of all its inhabitants, regardless of where they live.

Objective 7 encompasses various sections and content, so in this post, I just want to list them and encourage you to seek information in other forums so that we can all participate in this important challenge.

  • Objetive 7.1 Universal access to modern energy, ensuring universal access to all energy services by 2030 that are reliable, affordable, and modern.

  • Objetive 7.2 Increase the global percentage of renewable energy by 2030.

  • Objetive 7.3  Double the improvement in energy efficiency. The idea is to double the global rate by 2030.

  • Objetive 7.A Promote access to research, technology, and investments in clean energy. International cooperation is needed to unite efforts and facilitate research and technology in clean energy. 

  • Objetive 7.B  Expand and upgrade energy services for developing countries. The goal for 2030 is to expand infrastructure and improve technology for the provision of modern and sustainable energy services to all developing countries.

Furthermore, we will all continue working to encourage governments and companies to promote the use of clean energy sources actively.

Likewise, do not forget that each of us, at an individual level, can contribute to achieving these goals, from actively participating in specific organizations to simply using electrical devices and batteries in our homes responsibly, such as turning off lights, using air conditioning appropriately, or using rechargeable batteries instead of single-use ones.

Finally, I want to mention that at Bjumper, we participate to the best of our abilities by providing solutions that aim to boost the achievement of this Goal No. 7, encouraging companies to integrate processes and technologies into their infrastructure that make it possible to use clean energy sources and optimize and automate processes and tasks to achieve maximum energy savings.


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