Marta Rico Ramiro The Residual Heat from Data Centers: An Underrated Energy Source? The increase in the use of Data Centers in recent years has sparked a necessary debate about their environmental impact. While energy optimization has been a priority, one of the less explored aspects... Dec 27, 2024
Jorge Antonio Leon Valero ThinkData: Supporting the European Union in Data Center Sustainability Have you considered the environmental impact of Artificial Intelligence? If you have a moment, I encourage you to search for valuable information online... I'll give you a hint: the percentage increas... Jun 27, 2024
Jorge Antonio Leon Valero Artificial and Collaborative Intelligence. Transforming Data Centers with ThinkData.. Imagine a dynamic ecosystem where machines and minds intertwine like in a beehive, each playing a crucial role in optimizing every aspect of Data Center operations.r. Similar to how these bees use pre... Jun 21, 2024
Mario Ormeño Maestro ENIA: National Strategy for Artificial Intelligence In today’s world, artificial intelligence (AI) has become an essential tool for economic and social transformation. Spain, recognizing this potential, has developed the Artificial Intelligence Strateg... May 30, 2024
Octavio Jose Vicente Martinez DC-AIOPs Project: Towards Unattended Operations in Data Centers Automation is always a source of doubt when discussing its implementation in a sector.. Although at the beginning of the century, with the assembly line in the automotive sector, the number of jobs wa... Feb 22, 2024
Octavio Jose Vicente Martinez MPGM and DCIM: The Perfect Duo for the Sustainable Future of Data Centers In the era of information, data centers are the heart of global connectivity. However, their expansion has led to an increase in energy consumption and environmental impact. In this blog, we will expl... Nov 20, 2023
Jorge Antonio Leon Valero The Strategic Role of DCiM in Banking Data Center Security On October 14th, there was a significant disruption that affected the banking services of DBS and Citibank in Singapore. This disruption has shed more light on the technical challenges that can arise ... Nov 16, 2023
Oscar Rojas Badilla The Cloud Services Challenge and the Vital Role of FinOps in Financial Efficiency In the current digital era, the adoption of cloud services has become an essential driver of business innovation and operational agility. However, this powerful technological advancement also presents... Nov 2, 2023
Octavio Jose Vicente Martinez Sustainability Label for Data Centers Currently, we constantly hear the word "sustainability" on television, in conversations with friends or family, as we attempt to raise awareness about the need to reduce energy consumption, which ulti... Aug 11, 2023
Jorge Antonio Leon Valero Great initiative that we couldn't let pass! DC-AIOPS Great initiative that we couldn't let pass!! This time we're embarking on a journey with great professionals in an exciting technological project! Let us give you a little insight into what DC-AIOPS i... Jan 11, 2023
Jorge Antonio Leon Valero Effective Simulation! More Efficient Climate in Your Room When the first Data Centers were being built, nobody considered that energy consumption could be a significant part of the sustainability and profitability of these data centers. It was a different ti... Mar 7, 2022
Jorge Antonio Leon Valero Code of Conduct: Data Center Energy Efficiency Both companies and data centers consume a significant amount of energy every day, and this consumption, driven by new technologies and the digital transformation of companies, is expected to increase ... Jan 25, 2022