ThinkData: Supporting the European Union in Data Center Sustainability

Have you considered the environmental impact of Artificial Intelligence? If you have a moment, I encourage you to search for valuable information online... I'll give you a hint: the percentage increase compared to just 4 years ago is incredible, especially considering we are just at the beginning of this revolutionary AI technology and the high energy costs it entails, among other things...

Well, it seems that good news is arriving for Europeans in this regard, as the European Union has taken action to make Data Centers more sustainable and efficient, and is starting to take the first important steps to achieve this.. 

​New Regulations for Data Centers in the EU

The EU has introduced new regulations requiring Data Centers to be more sustainable. What does this mean? Essentially, it involves reducing carbon emissions, improving energy efficiency, and managing water and waste more responsibly.

All of this is part of a larger plan for Europe. If you're interested, you can check out the link where they are already taking action... in the European Union.

The Challenges of Regulatory Compliance

Meeting these new rules (Carbon Footprint Reduction, Energy Efficiency, Sustainable Water Management, and Data Center Transparency/Reporting) may not be easy for companies and politicians alike... Speaking of politicians, we know how they handle these matters, especially with the new times we're experiencing in Europe......

Well, the basic and main idea is that due to these extremely high expected consumptions, Data Centers must become more efficient, sustainable, and above all transparent... and that's quite a challenge..

For this, they need tools that allow them to monitor, report, and constantly improve their sustainability metrics, but above all, these values must be known by all C-level executives in the company.

This is truly important if European objectives are to be met, ensuring the company's sustainability, and thereby benefiting society as a whole..

ThinkData: Tool at the Service of the European Union

Thinking about what to do with data is essential. Knowing what it provides, what information it gives us, and how we can use it to be more sustainable and efficient is a must. Don't leave that data sitting on servers… remember the high cost of inactive data and the missed service opportunities it presents..

This is where ThinkData enter ThinkData. ThinkData is designed to provide the necessary information for decision-making to executives and C-level leaders, and to help European companies comply with the new regulations while advancing their sustainability goals. The application provides detailed and accurate reports based on key sustainability metrics..

 Below, I'll detail some of the features of the application that will assist you in making clear and straightforward decisions, even if you don't work directly in the Data Center but are fully involved as a C-level executive in your company.

 Key Features of ThinkData

Detailed and Customized Reports

ThinkData allows generating customized reports that comply with the European Commission's Energy Efficiency Directive (EED) and Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive (CSRD) guidelines. More information on these guidelines can be found on the European Commission's website..

Energy Efficiency Metrics (PUE)

PUE (Power Usage Effectiveness): ThinkData helps monitor and optimize your Data Center's PUE. This metric is certainly known to operators and middle managers, but it's often unclear what the appropriate value should be to comply with regulations... and especially where to focus efforts to improve efficiency. 

Now, you can ensure that your PUE stays within a healthy range and helps you gradually reduce overall energy consumption.. .

 Gráfico distribución de la energía en Data Center

Water Usage Management (WUE)

WUE (Water Usage Effectiveness): The application allows for monitoring water usage, promoting efficient and sustainable management of this resource in the Data Center. This aspect is crucial for long-term sustainability..

 Cuadro de gestión del agua en un Data Center

Greenhouse Gas Emissions (CUE)

CUE (Carbon Usage Effectiveness): ThinkData facilitates the measurement and reduction of carbon emissions, helping companies achieve their sustainability goals and comply with regulatory requirements.. 

 Gráfico de la evolución de contaminación de tu Data Center

Waste Management

ThinkData provides tools for managing and reporting generated waste, including electronic waste and batteries, ensuring responsible and sustainable waste management. Put your data to work and directly align with the reports required by the European Union... With just a simple click, both parties will know exactly where they stand in waste management at any given time..

 Cuadro de la progresión de los residuos de tu Data Center

Benefits of ThinkData for C-Level Executives

Facilitated Regulatory Compliance

ThinkData ensures that your Data Center complies with European regulations, providing detailed and accurate reports that facilitate data submission to authorities. The National Integrated Energy and Climate Plan (PNIEC) 2021-2030, developed by the Ministry for Ecological Transition and the Demographic Challenge of Spain, provides an additional framework..

Continuous Improvement and Informed Decision-Making

The application not only helps meet current standards but also provides a platform for continuous improvement, enabling executives to make informed decisions based on precise and updated data..

Global Adaptability

While the regulations are European, ThinkData is equally valuable for Data Centers in other countries, helping businesses align their operations with global sustainability goals in the short, medium, and long term..

Cost Savings, Revenue Increase, and Reputation Improvement​

Optimizing energy efficiency and sustainable resource management can lead to significant cost savings, minimize risks, and enhance competitiveness and revenue generation..

Moreover, companies can enhance their reputation by demonstrating genuine commitment to sustainability and social responsibility..


For business sustainability, the Data Center has become the core that keeps everything running. It's already part of the Business Core. New technologies drive new business models, and without the Data Center, this wouldn't be possible..  

This is one of the main reasons why ThinkData becomes a loyal friend that will always tell you the truth and be by your side. The support you need, and you know that whenever you call, it’s always available at any hour and will tell you what it sees... so you can then make the best possible decision..

If you want to learn more about this great friend, let us introduce you to it. Contact us today😉

Artificial and Collaborative Intelligence. Transforming Data Centers with ThinkData..