Next Generation EU Funds Aid
Strategic Projects for Economic Recovery and Transformation (PERTEs)

Have politicians been responsible? Has it been the society we live in...? Or has it really been a pandemic that has put us all in our place? What would have happened to the economy if we hadn't had this pandemic? How long would it have taken for us to realize the shadows in all European countries?

Individual perceptions (in the face of the same situation) depend on our communication channels. People are naturally visual, auditory, or kinesthetic, and we retain information that helps us understand and interpret our environment. This perception and interpretation is always different in each of us and doesn't have to coincide.

But now is the time to try to enter the mental maps of those who perceive that the best option to move forward and build a new model that will lead us all to a better internal and external well-being is to unify these perceptions and build a good future for all people, regardless of their cultural, economic, and social level.

I mention all of this because the European Union is putting a huge amount of aid in the hands of all Europeans for the economic and social recovery of all its members; it seems they have worked on these mental maps, left other things aside, and believe it is the moment to encourage, improve the region, and emerge from the darkness we were approaching.

The EU budget together with NextGenerationEU will constitute a package of 1.8 trillion euros and is undoubtedly the largest financing stimulus in European history, with the purpose of making Europe as green, digital, and resilient as possible for the well-being of all its inhabitants.

Out of the 1.8 trillion, 750 billion will be distributed between 2021 and 2026, of which 140 billion will come to Spain.  

As I mentioned, we all need to work on our perceptions and think that the important thing is to implement these subsidies for the benefit of our society and the common good of all. We all have to think along the same lines and correctly apply these subsidies based on the 4 axes recommended by the EU (Digital Transformation, Ecological Transition, Territorial Social Cohesion, and Gender Equality), which are essential and will ensure a transformation that will make a change in the model possible, updating the needs of our society.

The plan presented by the government is based on 10 policy levers and will be the foundation on which the NextGenerationEU funds will be allocated. It should be noted that the PERTEs (Strategic Projects for Economic Recovery and Transformation) will be the mechanism through which the government will manage all these funds.  

The following levers support the plans presented by the Government:


 And they define the general investment guidelines that the Ministries and Autonomous Communities will use. These levers are directly focused on the previously mentioned axes and are aimed at all sectors, starting with:

We are still in a period of uncertainty regarding how all the funds will be coordinated with the private sector, so it is necessary to constantly monitor the information to see and identify the projects that are being published regarding PERTEs.

You can obtain a lot of information on the various websites made available by the Government through the Ministry of Ecological Transition and Demographic Challenge, the Ministry of Economic Affairs and Digital Transformation, the Ministry of Industry, Trade, and Tourism, and organizations like the CEOE.

 Real Decree-law of December 30  Spain Can  

 La Administración General del Estado será quién se encargue de transferir los fondos a las diversas Comunidades Autónomas y Entidades Locales a través de convenios y subvenciones. Siempre tendrán que ir en línea con los objetivos marcados y justificando claramente las ayudas.

To do this, the proposed projects will need to focus on addressing specific market failures and clearly drive the four mentioned axes. In no case will the proposals be aimed at financing losses, costs, inefficiencies, or projects that can be privately funded. Additionally, the projects will be analyzed by market and their relevance within the sector. The impact of these aids on competition will also be assessed. 

It's worth noting that the application process is still in the approval and review phase, with the identification of major flagship projects that drive society and markets forward.  

As mentioned, it is essential to stay vigilant in monitoring all information through the appropriate channels. We also recommend being in direct contact with banks and management companies that can assist in correctly presenting your projects for approval by the authorities, ensuring you don't miss an excellent opportunity to launch your project.

Finally, we would like to take this opportunity to let you know that we are at your complete disposal to collaborate on projects focused on improving the Management, Optimization, and Automation of Critical Infrastructures, which will play a significant role in all the mentioned sectors and are a fundamental part of the digital transformation. 

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