
Start automation in IT asset management

Digitalization of IT assets
Just download the mobile app and log in to the website
Unique identification via NFC

That's how it works


Great advantages

Automates and digitizes

Significantly reduces the time and effort required to register and maintain IT assets by automating processes that are traditionally manual and error-prone. This can include automatic asset identification, tracking their status, and managing their lifecycle..

Reduces costs and Optimizes Resources

Helps identify underutilized or inactive assets, allowing you to reallocate or dispose of these resources efficiently. This will lead to a significant reduction in operational and capital costs..

Visualizes and control

Provides a clear and centralized view of all IT assets in your company. This includes not only hardware but also software, licenses, and other resources. By having a comprehensive view, you can make more informed decisions and ensure compliance with regulations.

Integrates with other systems

Ability to integrate with other IT systems, such as support networks, incident management systems, and software platforms, creating a cohesive IT management ecosystem.


Explore the features of TakeData in these videos

Where is it applied?

"Use TakeData for your distributed Data Centers or IT Rooms

Assets in Racks"

Identify each unit of each rack, distinguishing them by room, aisle, and rack (servers, blade chassis, storage cabinet, etc). 

Monolithic equipment

Due to the simplicity of NFC technology and the tags themselves, monolithic equipment can be labeled, identifying them by brand, model, and other rack functionalities

Communication equipment

If required, communication equipment (switches, patch panels, etc.) within the IT room in question can also be identified to provide identification of all critical infrastructure within each room and site.


With TakeData, you can manage a wide range of IT assets, including servers, switches, storage units, racks, cables, and any other critical equipment hosted in your Data Center or technical room.

All you need is a mobile device with NFC functionality (most modern smartphones) and NFC tags that will be placed on your IT assets. No other special hardware is required for basic use of TakeData.

Yes, TakeData offers mobile applications compatible with both Android and iOS, ensuring wide accessibility for different users and devices

Don't worry, your only task beforehand is to download the latest resources before starting your workday in areas without coverage. With the resources already on your device, you can continue your work as usual, even offline. Once you regain signal, the system will automatically prompt you to synchronize and upload the information accumulated during that period.

Antes de implementar una actualización, te informaremos sobre los cambios, incluyendo detalles sobre mejoras y cualquier acción requerida por el usuario. Esto puede incluir un aviso previo a través de correo electrónico, mensajes dentro de la plataforma o anuncios en el sitio web. Las actualizaciones del sistema se programan para momentos de baja actividad para minimizar el impacto en las operaciones del usuario.

La información se puede actualizar en tiempo real mediante la aplicación móvil. Al escanear una etiqueta NFC en un activo, los usuarios pueden ver y modificar la información asociada directamente desde su dispositivo móvil, lo que garantiza que la base de datos siempre esté actualizada.

Sí, TakeData ofrece soporte técnico completo a sus usuarios, así como recursos de formación que incluyen manuales, videos tutoriales y asistencia directa para garantizar que los usuarios puedan aprovechar al máximo la plataforma.

Para comenzar a utilizar TakeData, tienes que contactar con nosotros para configurar tu cuenta, tener las etiquetas NFC necesarias (puedes comprarlas tu mismo) y descargar la aplicación móvil. El equipo de TakeData te guiará a través del proceso de instalación y configuración inicial.


Hasta 100 racks


/ Per year
  • Annual license"
  • No user limit
  • Implementation price 7,500€ (Optional)
  • Tags not included, possibility of purchase
  •  Precio sin impuestos

Hasta 500 racks


/ Per year
  • Annual license"
  • No user limit
  • Implementation price 30,000€ (Optional)
  • Tags no incluidos, posiblidad de compra
  •  Precio sin impuestos

Hasta 1.000 racks


/ Per year
  • Annual license"
  • No user limit
  • Implementation price 51,000€ (Optional)
  • Tags no incluidos, posiblidad de compra
  •  Precio sin impuestos

Pruébalo ahora

  Accede al sistema de forma gratuita para conocer sus ventajas de primera mano.

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Data Center Pyramid

Identify the maturity level of your Data Center. Check where you are and how far you can go. Our products will guide you on the path to automating your Data Center.


TakeData is constantly evolving, we continue to progress and improve. Here are all the versions we have released.


Managing your data center shares many common points with other professionals in the sector

Sharing experiences makes us feel more understood, which is why we show you polls that we conducted with our community about IT asset management in Data Centers.

For us, they are very useful for generating new applications that can help you. Are you ready to explore them 

IT asset identifier

We all know the importance of correctly identifying IT assets and having all the information in a single platform. We'll show you the results of the poll and the importance of having complete traceability of the data."

View poll

 Data center asset managemen

It is crucial to correctly identify any element of the system from the outset. Having all the information about an IT asset in a single platform adds great value to management as it speeds up any type of action required by the asset quickly and securel. 

 View poll

Automation in IT inventory management

Having confidence in the data we possess is key to efficient management based on 24*7 availability. Manual systems generate errors, automation is cost-effective as indicated by the survey we conducted.

View poll