Jorge Antonio Leon Valero Effective Simulation! More Efficient Climate in Your Room When the first Data Centers were being built, nobody considered that energy consumption could be a significant part of the sustainability and profitability of these data centers. It was a different ti... Mar 7, 2022
Jorge Antonio Leon Valero Code of Conduct: Data Center Energy Efficiency Both companies and data centers consume a significant amount of energy every day, and this consumption, driven by new technologies and the digital transformation of companies, is expected to increase ... Jan 25, 2022
Jorge Antonio Leon Valero Digital Transformation in Data Centers... Of course! People might think that Data Centers don't need to undergo digital transformation because they assume they already have all the necessary technology and processes to store and manage a company's most ... Oct 4, 2021
Jorge Antonio Leon Valero Opportunity... Technological Hub for Spain The new business models are generating new trends in all markets, including the data center sector. Big Data, Artificial Intelligence, and many other technologies are gaining momentum, making data cen... Aug 3, 2021
Ivan Gonzalez Borraz What is SCoPEx? The first major geoengineering experiment in history that was supposed to be launched this summer in Sweden has encountered a problem. Can climate change be slowed down by blocking the sun? The SCoPEx... Jun 9, 2021
Jorge Antonio Leon Valero Sections of EN 50600 Standard: Planning and Operation in Data Centers The data center industry must continue to evolve at an increasingly rapid pace due to the high volume of information generated worldwide every day. Data center managers are finding it increasingly cha... Jun 1, 2021
Alex Ulloa Garro The Present and Future of Renewable Energies Renewable energies are clean, sustainable, and increasingly competitive sources of energy. They differ from fossil fuels primarily in their diversity, abundance, and potential for utilization anywhere... Mar 25, 2021
Jorge Antonio Leon Valero Are you... Digital Transformation..? Is your infrastructure ready for such data, mobility, resilience, and competitiveness in 2021? For the vast majority of companies, 2020 hasn't been just another year. COVID-19 has brought to light the... Jan 29, 2021
Octavio Jose Vicente Martinez Decarbonization This year has been very atypical in every way, and I believe that at certain moments, hopefully more often in the future, we have felt that we've given hope to nature when we allowed it space during l... Jan 19, 2021
Francisco Javier Doyega Morales Self-consumption as an economic and environmental improvement Currently, we are all suffering the devastating effects of the pandemic that has gripped the world, COVID-19. We know, without a doubt, that we will overcome it. This has resulted in many productive s... Jan 12, 2021
Octavio Jose Vicente Martinez Management through DCIM... DCIM and Uptime Operational Sustainability Certification I'm going to provide a brief introduction to share my perspective on what data center operations entail, although most are familiar with them. ... Dec 21, 2020
Jorge Antonio Leon Valero Agenda 2030. Sustainable Commitment La Agenda 2030 was launched in 2015 and includes 193 UN member states with the ambitious goal of achieving prosperity that respects the planet and its inhabitants. This agenda encompasses 17 Sustainab... Nov 20, 2020