The data center industry must continue to evolve at an increasingly rapid pace due to the high volume of information generated worldwide every day.
Data center managers are finding it increasingly challenging to make the necessary changes to their infrastructures, but the vast majority understand that innovation and improvement are key factors for the sustainability of their business.
The critical infrastructure sector has valuable tools to support it, such as regulations and best practice documents produced by reputable organizations and companies with a strong track record and extensive experience over time. These resources help in planning and improving profitability and efficiency.
Today, I would like to discuss some aspects of one of these tools.
The EN 50600 Standard has been assisting us in data center planning and operation for several years. Over time, the standard has undergone various revisions and adapted to new models.
The standard is organized into different sections that provide recommendations and specifications for various aspects:
DIN EN 50600 Section 1: General concepts of the standard.
It details issues related to business risk analysis and operational costs that allow for the application of an appropriate classification of data centers.
It defines common aspects of data centers, including terminology, parameters, and reference models, addressing both size and complexity.
It describes general aspects of the facilities and infrastructure required to support the effective operation of telecommunications within data centers.
It specifies classification systems based on key criteria for availability, security, and energy efficiency during the planned service life of the data center for the provision of effective facilities and infrastructure.
DIN EN 50600 Section 2-1: Building Construction
This standard addresses the construction of buildings that provide accommodation for data centers. It specifies and recommends possible data center locations, building configuration, fire protection, and quality construction measures.
DIN EN 50600 Section 2-2: Power Supply and Distribution
The standard covers power sources and the distribution of energy within data centers according to criteria and classifications for availability, physical security, and energy efficiency enablement.
DIN EN 50600 Section 2-3: Environmental Control
Another significant part of the standard is environmental control within data centers, and its implementation is also based on safety and energy efficiency availability criteria.
DIN EN 50600 Section 2-4: Telecommunications Infrastructure Cabling
The standard specifies the requirements and recommendations for:
1.-Information technology, telecommunications cabling (LAN - SAN).
2.-General backup operations cabling.
3.-Monitoring and control cabling for power, environmental control, and physical security.
4.-Building automation cabling.
5.-Channels and enclosures for telecommunications cabling infrastructure.
DIN EN 50600 Section 2-5: Security Systems
This standard addresses the physical security of data centers. It provides and recommends how spaces should be in relation to:
1.-Unauthorized access addressing constructive, organizational, and technological solutions.
2.-Control of potential fire-related events within spaces.
3.-Potential events inside or outside the data center that affect its protection.
DIN EN 50600 Section 3-1: Operational and Management Information
This standard specifies the processes for managing and operating data centers. Its primary focus is on the operational aspects necessary to provide the expected level of resilience, availability, risk management, risk mitigation, capacity planning, security, and energy efficiency.
DIN EN 50600 Section 4-1: Overview and General Requirements for Key Performance Indicators (KPIs)
EThis standard, with various general sections, includes:
1.-Terminological definitions and limit conditions for KPIs for data center resource efficiency and effectiveness.
2.- Common requirements for effectiveness and efficiency KPIs.
3.- General information on the use of KPIs in data centers.
DIN EN 50600 Section 4-2: Energy Use Effectiveness
The standard specifies the Power Usage Effectiveness (PUE) as a key performance indicator (KPI) to quantify efficient energy usage in the form of electricity. This standard introduces the effectiveness of PUE within data centers and describes the relationship of this KPI with the infrastructure, IT equipment, and information technology operations. It also defines the measurement, calculation, and reporting of this parameter, providing accurate information about the interpretation of PUE.
DIN EN 50600 Section 4-3: Renewable Energy Factors
DIN EN 50600 Section 4-6: Energy Reuse Factor
This document specifies the Energy Reuse Factor (ERF) as a KPI for quantifying the reuse of energy consumed in the data center. It defines the calculation, report, and interpretation of ERF.
DIN EN 50600 Section 4-7: Cooling Efficiency Ratio
The standard reflects and specifies the Cooling Efficiency Ratio (CER) as another key performance indicator (KPI) to quantify efficient energy usage and control temperature in spaces within data centers. The standard includes:
1.-The Cooling Efficiency Ratio (CER).
2.-The relationship of this KPI with data center infrastructure, IT equipment, and IT operations.
3.-The measurement, calculation, and reporting of the parameter, providing accurate interpretation of the CER indicator. The standard also covers the correlation between CER and other KPIs, parameters affecting CER, and recommendations derived from KPIs associated with CER.
DIN CLC / TR 50600 Section 99-1: Best Practices for Energy Management
This section compiles best practices to improve energy management (reduce consumption and increase energy efficiency) in data centers.
DIN CLC / TR 50600 Section 99-2: Best Practices for Sustainability
This section provides a compilation of best practices to enhance the environmental sustainability of both new and existing data centers. It addresses environmental impacts related to electricity consumption, water usage, and other pollutants.
DIN CLC/TR 50600 Section 99-3: Guidance for the Application of EN 50600
This document offers additional information about the background of the requirements and recommendations in EN 50600, providing guidance on how to correctly apply and interpret the entire standard.
I hope these brief explanations of the structure of EN 50600 are helpful in providing an overview of its sections. Bjumper remains at your disposal for any further assistance you may require to enhance your critical infrastructure.