10 Keys to Achieving DCiM Project Success

First and foremost, it's important to remember that a DCIM software should serve the organization, not the other way around. In other words, it should be highly flexible to not only centralize information storage but also adapt to the working conditions of each company. This adaptation can include the type of infrastructure, the variety of IT systems used, and alignment with the organization's departments.

Point 1: Ultimately, it should be a flexible and useful tool for all departments, ensuring that everyone recognizes the value it brings to their daily operations.

This means that the implementation should be guided by a thorough analysis of the client's operations in order to tailor this new way of working.

It's important to understand that installing the software is relatively simple, but these projects are not about adopting new software for its own sake. The goal is to establish a new operational methodology based on planning and proactivity. Therefore, it's necessary to understand the operations and help adjust them to transition work from reactive to controlled and proactive, as a preliminary phase before executing daily operations in the data center.

This process should ideally be led by technology partners with sufficient experience to comprehend the market, work areas, existing software platforms, and the relationships between them during the work.

Point 2: Collaboration with a technology partner experienced in various business verticals, skilled in integrating diverse IT systems and aligning work processes, will enable the planning of the project by proactively identifying the critical points that must be addressed for project success.

A good technology partner doesn't just think about implementing software; they focus on the data collection process, implementation strategy, potential issues foreseen in advance, the most suitable technology transfer process, and the subsequent operation and emerging needs with technology adoption. In essence, an excellent technology partner takes ownership of the project, approaching the execution as if it were their own. If you find such a travel companion, don't let them slip away.

Since a DCIM project aims to centralize information by bridging the IT and Facilities worlds, streamlining work processes, and providing the necessary information and KPIs for proper work planning,

A DCIM must consolidate a significant amount of information from diverse areas in a highly flexible manner. Understanding the distinction between a DCIM and a software platform that covers only a portion of the operation is crucial.

Point 3: It's important to know that the implementation of a work system based on DCIM must be comprehensive. Therefore, the chosen tool should manage everything from the IT layer, facilities, the ability to integrate day-to-day MAC processes, maintenance management, a robust integration capability with other systems, and flexible information presentation through standard reports or ease of customization.

When these three points are clear, and the execution of such a project is initiated, it's essential to align expectations.

Throughout the sales phases, there are numerous meetings, and a lot of information is collected in Excel, Word, notes, etc. This extended timeline can lead each person to develop preconceived ideas about expected results.

As a result, it's ideal to generate one or more meetings with all involved departments and the technology partner at the beginning of the project to clarify the agreed-upon scope and communicate to each department what they should expect from the project in their own terms. Each department should share their expectations, and with both perspectives, reach a final consensus. When it comes to software, aligning these expectations is more complex, but it's essential to ensure that the entire team feels involved and receives what they are expecting.

Point 4: Managing expectations is vital for project success and satisfaction. An open space for debate and consensus should be created so that everyone receives what is expected within the project scope, managing expectations through agreements, customizations, or working methodologies that meet the expectations within the agreed-upon scope.

Once expectations and objectives are aligned and clarified, there is a crucial data collection phase for the project.

The data used for the implementation of the DCIM system and its integrations or interactions with other systems and departments are the foundation for everything to function.

In simple terms, if you use software for any activity, and the data stored in it is unreliable, the work may not be efficient in many cases, leading to rework.

If this happens frequently, operators will lose trust in the software and revert to manual activities and documentation.

However, when software can complete a task that would normally take days in a short amount of time, technicians gain confidence in the workflow system and strive to keep the software updated according to the designed processes, as they understand its potential in their activities.

Point 5: Having reliable data sources is crucial for the proper functioning of the system's implementation. You need to search for data, validate it to identify errors, deficiencies, or other issues that may be transferred to the new work method. Additionally, you can add information that is considered useful and was not documented previously for some reason. Enhancing the tool always results in improved work for one or more departments.

The process of searching for information, evaluating it, and re-evaluating new data are the foundation for the house you want to build.

A solid foundation will help avoid having to go back and seek clarifications in the middle of the work.

To do this, establishing a good project governance structure is very useful. Defining at least one internal leader or representative from the client, along with the designated personnel and the project team provided by the technology partner, including a project leader and the technical team, is crucial for the project's smooth progress.

Point 6: Establish a governance body with a list of participants from the client and the technology partner who, in weekly or bi-weekly meetings, evaluate the project's progress, issues, and refocusing, adjust the team's planning and efforts, which is very useful for achieving project success.

When the project is underway, it's essential for the client's technical team to take ownership of the project. In many cases, projects are contracted by a regional manager or upper management, and the involved team may not have participated in the procurement phase.

In such cases, the implementation work requires a preliminary phase of involving the team. An interesting approach, in addition to demonstrating the system's capabilities again, is to convey value as soon as possible.

Point 7: Delivering value as soon as possible, through partial deliveries or sharing progress that demonstrates part of the value they will receive, is essential for keeping the involved personnel motivated throughout the project to achieve success.

When the project is in the final stages, it's time to share knowledge so that they can start using the implemented system.

Usually, customized projects like these require adapted training, so the training should also be tailored.

Point 8: The structured and planned transfer of knowledge during the final implementation phase is the most appropriate way to start transitioning the operation to the client while the last details are being refined. This overlap often generates confidence in the client because you are still in the implementation phase, and they can request additional training, clarifications, etc.

In software projects, the delivered product is intangible. Therefore, the recipient of the "project" doesn't have a way to see if it aligns with the contracted scope unless all possible work is documented.

Point 9: The As-Built documentation is the clearest documentary evidence the client can receive as a tangible item that allows them to validate the contracted scope. Additionally, it serves as an excellent reference document to verify and study the executed project for new personnel entering the company or for any other reason.

When the project has been completed and delivered, it may seem that the implementation work is finished. However, for the client, it marks the beginning of a challenging journey of adaptation and adjustment of processes and working methodologies, where they will encounter questions, issues, and need time to address the situation.

Point 10: Post-project follow-up is crucial to ensure the initial steps are secure, the team is confident, and they can extract value from the project. Therefore, maintaining occasional meetings to address any questions or reinforce certain aspects of use will always be appreciated and will clearly support the project's success and customer satisfaction.

As much as possible, following this guide will establish the foundations for the success of a DCiM project, at least in the experience of the Bjumper team over the years. And if you add a touch of care and a lot of energy, success is guaranteed.


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