​Proof of Concept in DCIM: How to Hit the Bullseye...?

A "Proof of Concept" or PoC is a widely used term in the technological and business context to refer to a demonstration or examination aimed at evaluating the technical, economic, and functional feasibility of a product and/or service concept in a real or simulated environment

The PoC represents a crucial tool in the initial phases of the Data Center Infrastructure Management (DCIM) project development process, with its main purpose being to validate if the product and service can operate according to the planned specifications before committing significant resources to its full-scale implementation within an organization.

In addition to its validation function, the PoC also plays a fundamental role in establishing a comprehensive "Road Map" for the project through objective and exhaustive analysis.

Key Aspects of a PoC:

  •  Primary Objective: The primary objective of a PoC is to verify if an idea or concept has merit and can be effectively implemented. Its focus is on providing answers to essential questions related to the technical viability, functionality, and feasibility of the concept.
  •  Alcance Limitado: La PoC debe mantener un alcance limitado, centrándose en demostrar el concepto de DCiM en una parte específica o crítica de la infraestructura. Su propósito no es completar el proyecto en su totalidad, sino más bien crear una versión reducida o prototipo para poner a prueba la idea sin incurrir en costos excesivos.
  •  Minimal Resource Usage: A PoC is expected to require fewer resources than a large-scale project, including less time, funding, and personnel. The goal is to minimize financial risk before fully committing.
  •  Active Collaboration: Conducting a PoC involves joint effort between the client and the provider, especially when seeking an objective evaluation of the concept or product.
  •  Cost Allocation: According to the scope of the PoC, a cost must be associated with it. This is crucial for determining the total project budget.
  •  Real Project Intent: It is essential to have a genuine intent to carry out the project before initiating a PoC since it involves costs and requires active collaboration.
  • Defined Test Cases: A series of test cases with clear criteria must be established to verify during the course of the PoC. These cases should clearly define their requirements and expected results.

  • Results Evaluation: After completing a PoC, the results are analyzed to determine if the idea is viable and whether efforts should continue toward the full development of the DCIM project. If the PoC is successful, it can lead to a phase of project development and planning. Otherwise, adjustments can be made, or the decision to abandon the idea can be taken.
  •  Effective Communication: The results of a PoC are often used to communicate the viability of the concept to top management, managers, business partners, and stakeholders. This can be crucial to gain the necessary support to move forward with the project.

Defining a PoC in DCiM:

Startup Criteria 

1º Non-Disclosure Agreement (NDA)

  •   Consider if it is necessary

2º Scope Definition

  • Once the scopes have been assessed, a SoW should be drafted and signed by all parties involved.

3º Data Collection & Review

  • Data collection checklist.

4º Format

  • Under the client's infrastructure
  • Under the provider's cloud

Software License

  • Temporary licenses. A closed trial period.
  • Functional Modules
  • Number of Racks/FMAs
  • Number of devices to monitor 

Modeling Scope

  • Layouts: Room X, Electrical Rooms & Climate
  • Placement of X item on the floor
  • Filling and implementation of X racks 
  • Power Chain
  • Power chain
  • Real or simulated monitoring

Possible Expected Functionalities..

  • Simulated monitoring
  • Alarms
  • Colocation management
  • Multitenant
  • Asset management Capacity management
  • Network connectivity 
  • Power chain
  • Cadena de power
  • Simulation scenarios
  • Efficient commissioning
  • Projects and tasks
  • Climate control  .
  • Etc, etc..

Evolution and Phases of a DCiM PoC:

There are three very clear phases in the evolution of a Proof of Concept, and they are always interlinked, and they must be well understood.


  • Phase Definition of objectives: Collaborative work with the client and provider
  • Scope definition
  • SoW construction


  • Data and needs collection
  • DCIM modeling
  • Partial validations
  • Implementation
  • Review of test cases


  • Phase Validation of PoC objectives
  • Next steps for the project

In summary, a PoC is an essential tool in making strategic decisions in technology and business, as it allows testing and validating concepts before making significant investments. It helps reduce risks and increase confidence in the viability of a project before moving on to a full development stage


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